life drawing, using paint

You will be encouraged to use a range of medium

in the life drawing class, liverpool, you will be encouraged to use different mediums. This example is a member using acrylic paints
You will be encouraged to try a range of mediums to see which suits you.

The life drawing class is held monthly

Most people who come to the class are either absolute beginners, or have done life drawing before but never had the opportunity to develop further. In our class, you will be encouraged to not only try new mediums, including pen & ink, pastels, etc, but new ways of representing the figure. The first thing I ensure you are able to do is measure the figure, using the thumb & pencil method to ensure you achieve correct proportions. This is critical  if you want to work from the figure.

In this example, the artist is using acrylic paint. Others use watercolour and a variety of other mediums.