Beginners life drawing taster sessions Saturday October 19th 2024. Contact me to book
I will be arranging a taster session for beginners wanting to do drawing & painting direct from the nude model Saturday October 19th.
If interested, just contact me for more information. Venue, Lydiate parish hall L31 4EQ. Times 10am to 1pm. Fee £20.
People often put off life drawing because they think they cannot do it. This is true of everything we have to learn in life, learning to cook, drive a car, playing sports and so on. You start with the basics. The key to working directly from the human figure, or any other subject, is correct measuring. I teach the thumb & pencil method, also know as the comparative system. The principle how to use it can be learned in a few short hours, then it's practice.
In my years of experience in teaching life drawing, absolute beginners can gain both knowledge and confidence after around 25 hours of practice!
My life classes are structured for complete beginners, or those who are doing art but feel they lack the basics, such as how to measure accurately to ensure correct proportions. Together with measuring, I will introduce you to tonal values, so that you can turn a flat figure into tree dimensional, using charcoal. This is the best medium for beginners, as it takes away the complexity of using paint, which you can learn later.
Life class held monthly, first Saturday of each month.
Monthly all day life drawing class, at Lyidate parish hall, 288 Southport rd, Lydiate L31 4EQ.
This class is suitable for beginners and those wanting to improve their drawing and painting skills.
Times 10am to 3.15pm. Fee £30 per Saturday. Booking is essential.
Opportunity to find out more about our art group
We have two exhibitions at Lydiate parish hall each year. An opportunity for members to display their art work, most of it for sale. Also an opportunity for people thinking of taking up art but not sure how to go about it, or too nervous to visit a class to find out more. You are welcome to visit any of our classes, meet members, who started off as absolute beginners, and find out more. If interested in buying art from local artists, come along and meet us. Prices of original work is very reasonable, as the artists don't pay any commission on sales. Several of our artists also take on commissions, from your house, pets to peoples' portraits, and more.
To find out more, contact us
Recent examples from the life class

Life study by one of our artists.

Also, charcoal has been used to create the form.

Members visit the Keith Haring exhibition at Tate, Liverpool
Members on a recent visit to the Keith Haring art exhibition at Tate, Liverpool. We had a lecture before entering the exhibition, which was very enlightening and which prepared us for the works on show. Most of it deals with the big issues of his generation, working in New York in the 70's and 80's. These visits usually spark off ideas to members.
LIFE DRAWING CLASSES, for both absolute beginners and those more advanced.
Held at Lydiate L31 4EQ (close to Maghull, Southport, Formby, Ormskirk,) all day Saturday. First Saturday of each month. 10am till 3.15pm. Fee £30 per Saturday.
Why is life drawing so important?
I run several life-drawing classes on Merseyside including Southport. Please contact me for further details. Also at Lydiate L31 4EQ, the first Saturday of each month. This is an all day session. Cost £30. I've been doing life-drawing and figurative painting courses for a number of years and the combined groups have now grown into a very lively art group where people come together to not only learn about doing art, but also as a social activity.
Life-drawing and figurative work is the key to painting. Why? Because it forces you to observe and to measure accurately! I have taught many students life-drawing. Life drawing is the key to drawing and painting because you need to develop a measuring system so you can achieve correct proportions. It pays back enormous dividends for the rest of your life. If you can draw the figure, then I believe you can draw any subject. Believe it or not, even people who know nothing about art, if shown a drawing or a painting of the nude, will immediately see if the figure isn’t drawn to the correct proportions! They will sense that something is not quite right. On the other hand, if shown a painting of a landscape they were unfamiliar with, half the painting could be out of proportion and it wouldn’t be obvious.
Weekly general art classes.
As well as life drawing classes, we have general weekly art classes, also on a Saturday. Find out more...